DeeAnn Lensen
#1 Bestselling Author
Emotional Intelligence:
Mental Health Matters
Chapter Title:
How I Discovered Emotional Intelligence

“Emotional aptitude is a ‘meta-ability,’ determining how well we can use whatever other skills we have,
including raw intellect.”
~Daniel Goleman, Emotional Intelligence:
Why It Can Matter More Than IQ
DeeAnn Lensen is an award-winning, European-trained Advanced Aesthetic Educator, Spa Consultant, Certified Life Coach, NLP Practitioner, keynote speaker and best-selling author. She is the President and CEO of Touché Esthetiqué and also owns Advanced Spa Technologies, a five-star spa consulting company in Canada.
A pioneer in pairing empowerment with spa treatments, and frustrated by the onslaught of fear-based marketing targeted at women, DeeAnn dissected the cosmetic industry with its own fine-tooth comb and created Emotional Freedom Technique tapping exercises for women to use while applying skincare. She also offers many public programs, including the “Empowered Inside Out Support System: Emotional Intelligence and Life Coaching,”
As a successful spa consult, DeeAnn has advised spa properties across North America. She is deeply respected for her ability to support spa businesses through multi-faceted education, creative marketing, staff empowerment and coaching management, as well speaking at Empowered Inside Out Seminars for the clients of the spas she supports.
Emotional Intelligence:
Mental Health Matters

The time has come for this groundbreaking book on Emotional Intelligence to arrive. It challenges the status quo, and breaks the stigma that surrounds mental health.
You will step into a personal conversation with these 15 courageous authors who have uncovered their souls to give you hope. Their stories may break your heart and steal the very breath from your lungs, but they will also inspire you to see that triumph over adversity is always possible.
"When it comes to business, relationships, and being truly happy, emotional intelligence is the secret sauce to everything that matters. This book is a game-changer and inside these pages are invitations to witness what ‘doing the work’ looks like. May they inspire you to do the same."
~Beth Hanishewski - Master Coach. International Speaker. Igniter.
The resilience of the human spirit shines throughout this book. Whether it’s grief, loss, depression, anxiety, illness, abuse, or any stressor affecting you or someone you love, these stories will take you by the hand and show you how to not just survive, but thrive. You are not alone.