DeeAnn Lensen
#1 Bestselling Author
Women's Wellness:
Aging at Any Age with Moxie!
Chapter Title:
A Recipe for Vibrant Beauty

“The Lord did not people the earth with a vibrant orchestra of personalities only to value the piccolos of the world. Every instrument is precious and adds to the complex beauty of the symphony.”
~Joseph B. Wirthlin
DeeAnn Lensen is an award-winning, European-trained Advanced Aesthetic Educator, Spa Consultant, Certified Life Coach, NLP Practitioner, keynote speaker, and #1 bestselling author.
She is the president and CEO of Touché Beauty. She also owns Advanced Spa Technologies, a five-star spa consulting, education, and distribution company in Canada. A pioneer in pairing empowerment with spa treatments and spa staff education, her multi-faceted strengths have empowered thousands from the inside out.
Frustrated by the onslaught of fear-based marketing targeted at women, DeeAnn dissected the cosmetic industry with its own fine-tooth comb and created Emotional Freedom Technique tapping exercises for women to use while applying skincare to increase self-compassion. She also offers many public programs, including the “Empowered Inside Out Support System: Emotional Intelligence/Life Coaching.” DeeAnn also offers “Emotional Freedom Technique Downloads” and “Women’s Empowered Inside Out Evenings and Event Speaking.”
As a successful spa consultant, DeeAnn has advised spa properties across North America and consulted many companies on skin care product development. She is deeply respected for her ability to support spa businesses through education, creative marketing, empowering staff and coaching management, as well as speaking at Empowered Inside Out seminars for the clients of the spas she supports.

Women's Wellness:
Aging at Any Age with Moxie!

"Vigor, nerve, pluck. spirit and courage. Force of character. Attitude."
Moxie is the secret sauce that juices things up. It can be subtle or overt, but either way it lets you know who you are and allows you to live out loud with spirit and no regrets.
These authors have shared a diversity of gritty real-life stories from hormonal nightmares, devastating breakups, bullying, illness, accidents, depression and more, yet they have all chosen to move through adversity into triumph.
They now pilot planes, belly dance and burlesque, jump into marathons and onto their Harleys...and range from think to curvy, vegans to meat-eaters, moms to singles, bug business to retired, and from quiet to outrageous.
There is something to inspire every woman in this book . Wherever you're at right now, these stories will inspire you to push the upper limits of your comfort zone and take the next step into a higher level of joy, wellness, purpose and passion.