Women's Wellness:
Aging at Any Age with Moxie!
Chapter Title:
Disconnected Motherhood CAN be Reversed
“Being a mother is learning about strengths you didn’t know you had and dealing with fears you never knew existed.”
~Linda Wooten
Michelle Berezan is a therapeutic life coach, counsellor, speaker, author, and supermom of four children – including twins!
Combining her formal education and extensive life experience, she specializes in successfully treating addictions, issues with self image, perinatal depression, parental obstacles, and stress. Through her private practice, Michelle helps individuals discover and expand upon the positive aspects of their lives, thus enriching their lives further. She also uses her experience as a mother of highspirited children and multiples to pass on firsthand knowledge of how to overcome stressful parenting situations and build a strong family unit.
It is her passion to speak to young people and to inspire women of any age to find their joy and passion in life. Michelle has spoken at residential dependency treatment centres about her own journey of overcoming addiction as well as on improving one’s own life condition through personal accountability and giving back. She has hosted many successful charity events and has travelled to Ghana and Egypt on charitable endeavours.
Michelle makes it a priority to be of service both locally and abroad through her foundation SWAG (Service Work Around the Globe), and she continues to speak out about improving your life not only after addiction but also after perinatal depression in her latest book, which should be finished shortly.
Women's Wellness:
Aging at Any Age with Moxie!
"Vigor, nerve, pluck. spirit and courage. Force of character. Attitude."
Moxie is the secret sauce that juices things up. It can be subtle or overt, but either way it lets you know who you are and allows you to live out loud with spirit and no regrets.
These authors have shared a diversity of gritty real-life stories from hormonal nightmares, devastating breakups, bullying, illness, accidents, depression and more, yet they have all chosen to move through adversity into triumph.
They now pilot planes, belly dance and burlesque, jump into marathons and onto their Harleys...and range from think to curvy, vegans to meat-eaters, moms to singles, bug business to retired, and from quiet to outrageous.
There is something to inspire every woman in this book . Wherever you're at right now, these stories will inspire you to push the upper limits of your comfort zone and take the next step into a higher level of joy, wellness, purpose and passion.