#1 Bestselling Author
Email: smawani@yournanaskitchen.com
LinkedIn: Shelina Mawani
Facebook: Shelina Mawani
Instagram: @shelinamawani
Twitter: @mawanishelina
Shelina Mawani is a resilient and successful businesswoman. Affectionally known as the “Samosa Queen,” Shelina is the visionary behind Nana’s Kitchen, a multi-million-dollar company producing gourmet handmade samosas in Surrey, British Columbia.
Success did not always come easy for Shelina. Born in the small town of Mwanza, Tanzania, she grew up without a formal education or long-term goals for the future. She moved to Canada in 1983 and faced a series of setbacks, including a failed restaurant business. Undeterred, Shelina kept her entrepreneurial spirit alive. Through a combination of embracing struggles, celebrating successes, and collaborating with others, Shelina had the strength and enthusiasm to succeed. Following in her parents’ footsteps, she dedicates her time to helping others and is now able to employ and mentor more than fifty new immigrants to Canada.
Shelina has earned many awards and recognition over the years, including being listed as one of the top 11 women-owned businesses in BC by Business in Vancouver and winning the business resilience award for the 41-plus category by the Surrey Board of Trade. She attributes her success to the lessons she learned along her journey along with the amazing support of her family.
Women in Business in a
Changing World


Chapter Title: A Leap of Courage
“When you focus on hurt, you will continue to suffer. If you focus on the lesson, you will continue to grow.”
— Author Unknown
Our world is constantly in flux, and one of the biggest secrets for success is learning how to welcome change rather than resist it.
The authors of this book understand the challenges we all face when change comes knocking on the door, with its insistence on interrupting the status quo, but they’ve also experienced the powerful creativity and growth that comes from leaning into it. Their courageous stories demonstrate so many ways to overcome obstacles and opposition, and by seeing them succeed despite incredible odds you will be inspired to become unstoppable in your own right.
“The way the world is changing it’s not just about ‘what can I do’ – it’s about what ‘we’ can do together to be bigger, better, stronger. The women of today are ready to share their voices in new and inventive ways. I invite you to share your voice the way the authors are sharing theirs in this extraordinary book.”
Shelly Lynn Hughes – Publisher, Fresh Magazine
With an accelerated timetable of transformation now before us, it has never been more imperative to embrace your opportunities to evolve, succeed and thrive. It’s a new day, and change has never felt so good!